employee Policy & Procedure Manuals
​​Workplace laws and employment issues have changed rapidly, and without an updated employee policy and procedures manual, your business can be at risk. A good manual gives you only the policies and procedures you need, supports your organizational culture, and helps owners and managers spend less time dealing with personnel issues. With our expert, customized services, you can trust that your manual will fit your needs.
We offer three packages to assist you with your employee manual needs:
Do-It-Yourself Kit
This package is best if you have the skillset and time to revise your manual on your own, but would like a little assistance. It includes:
Generic policies for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, the PUMP Act, Digital and Social Media Use, Use of Artificial Intelligence, and EEO/Nondiscrimination
Best practices video, which gives you the tools to to enact and support these policies
3 hours of assistance (through email, zoom, and/or phone)
Existing Manual Refresh
This package works if you have an existing policies and procedures manual that just needs an overall update and refresh. It includes:
Customized policies on Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, the PUMP Act, Digital and Social Media Use, Use of Artificial Intelligence, and EEO/Nondiscrimination.
An assessment of your entire manual, with recommendations for changes, deletions, and additions.
Customized additional policies as needed.
Unlimited assistance (email, zoom, or phone) as needed to complete the manual.
New Custom Manual
If you don't have a manual at all, and need to determine what to include, this is the package for you. It includes:
List of all possible policies and discussion to determine which ones you truly need.
Customized policies for all of your needs, including Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, the PUMP Act, Digital and Social Media Use, Use of Artificial Intelligence, and EEO/Nondiscrimination.
Unlimited assistance (email, zoom, or phone) as needed to complete the manual.
Not sure if your company needs an employee policy and procedures manual? Worried that formal policies will hurt your company culture? Don't know what policies you need? Watch this video below of contact us for a free discovery call.