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Training and development

We offer on-site development seminars and interactive workshops tailored to meet your needs. We have found that organizations struggle most with the key issues below:

Leadership Training for Managers

Managers can make or break your organization--recent research shows they're responsible for as much as 70% fluctuation in employee engagement. But, most managers haven't had enough training in soft skills. Our leadership training for managers helps address issues of communication, building trust, fairness, and motivation. Using assessments, discussions, and practical advice, we equip your managers to drive performance and retention.


From X to Z: Bridge the Gap to Manage Generation Z

Young people don't know how to work!

These kids need so much hand holding!

I don't know how to get through to them!

If you're hearing frustrations like these about younger workers, we can help you bridge the generation gap. This dynamic and interactive 90 minutes training session on managing and leading Generation Z helps you engage, motivate, and empower them to be independent contributors. Discover how to foster a work culture that values all generations, ensuring your organization stays ahead of the curve.


Sexual Harassment Prevention

Every organization needs to pay proper attention to sexual harassment prevention. Do your managers know the right way to deal with these issues? Are they taking the right steps in a sexual harassment investigation? This session can give managers and employees the tools they need to follow the law and keep the workplace free from harassment.

If you’re interested in these topics or a topic you don’t see here, please contact us to discuss further!​

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